Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has named Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia as the new lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, succeeding Janet Austin.
VICTORIA: So, guess what? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just announced that Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia is the new lieutenant-governor of British Columbia. She’s the 31st person to take on this role, which is pretty cool.
Wendy’s not just any businesswoman; she’s a well-respected figure in the hospitality scene. She founded the Absolute Spa Group and has held some big positions, like CEO of Crew Management Ltd. and the Century Plaza Hotel. Plus, she was the first female trustee of the Vancouver Police Foundation. Talk about impressive!
Now, the exact date for her swearing-in is still being worked out. But once she’s in, she’ll be doing important stuff like swearing in cabinet ministers and opening sessions of the provincial legislative assembly. It’s a big deal!
Wendy expressed how honored she feels about this appointment, saying it’s both a privilege and a serious responsibility. Outgoing lieutenant-governor Janet Austin, who’s held the position since April 2018, has praised the resilience and diversity of the people in B.C. during her time.
Wendy is also known for her work with the Pacific Autism Family Network and has received honors like the Order of Canada and the Order of B.C. It’s clear she’s made a significant impact!
This news was first reported by The Canadian Press on December 20, 2024. Exciting times ahead for British Columbia!